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วันที่ : 15 มีนาคม 2564 1,566 ครั้ง

Mom Rajawongse Ruchisamorn Suksawat, descendant of the royal family of King Rama IV,
Mom Rajawongse Ruchisamorn born on Born on September 12, 1920, is the daughter of Captain Mom Chao Tinthat Suksawat and Mom Puea Suksawat Na Ayudhya.

Grandfather's granddaughter in Lieutenant General Phrachao Boromwongse happy lord Krom Luang Adisorn Udomdej (The Suksawat royal tree), the 23rd son of King Mongkut. and Chao Chom Mae Chan, Concubine Ek, Mother

Mom Rajawongse Ruchisamorn She is the youngest of two sisters whose names are harmoniously congruent: "Tinaprapha Kandasri Rujeesamorn" (Thunpuying Tinaprapha Isarasena, Mom Rajawongse Kandasri Suksawat).

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